Survived It All? Welcome to 2024.

September 24, 2024

Remember when COVID had you rethinking marketing strategies faster than Aussies buying toilet paper? Or when surviving a global financial crisis felt like your biggest career milestone?

You probably thought that was the worst of it.

But here we are - 2024 - and, somehow, it’s quite possibly the most stressful time ever to be a CMO.

So, what’s going on?

(I’m about to paint a pretty negative picture. But stick with me. There’s light at the end of the tunnel.)

The economy is stuck in a rut, consumer confidence is down, and budgets are tighter than ever. Growth feels more like a dream than a strategy, and any marketer who dares to mention the word "innovation" is met with furrowed brows and a chorus of "yeah, nah."

And let’s not forget the constant battle with digital transformation. 

The platforms keep evolving. 

One day you’re trying to optimize for Google’s latest algorithm, the next you’re figuring out what on Earth Threads is (and whether you even need to care). 

Add AI into the mix, and suddenly everyone’s an armchair expert, but few have the budget or the time to execute meaningful projects.

But wait, there’s more!

Data privacy regulations are piling up faster than ever, and if you’re not constantly shifting gears to stay compliant, you’re either incredibly lucky or just oblivious to the inevitable penalties.

And then, of course, there’s the little issue of consumer trust. Post-pandemic, it’s in tatters. Building it back feels like finding a parking spot at Bondi Beach on a sunny weekend. Doable, but only by way of a miracle.

As a CMO, you’re juggling all of these challenges while trying to keep your brand fresh, relevant, and, most importantly, profitable. And let’s be real - ‘doing more with less’ isn’t just a motto anymore, it’s a survival tactic. 

So what’s next? 

Honestly, no one knows. That’s the hardest part. 

But here’s what we do know. And here’s that light at the end of the tunnel I was talking about.

The marketing world is going to keep shifting, and those who can adapt, evolve, and find creative ways to navigate this chaos will survive.Just as they did during the financial crisis and the global pandemic.

At Hopeful Monsters, we’ve seen brands weather the storm and come out stronger on the other side. The ones that don’t just panic, they pivot. 

They find unexpected growth in unlikely places, and they use every setback as a springboard for something new. It’s not about just surviving, it’s about thriving in the madness.

Yes, the road ahead is unclear, but here’s the good news, you're not in it alone.

Words by Garry Dawson.